Latest News → New world!

2021-10-25 15:49:45 - created by GOD War - rank: God

Dear Players,

Winter is coming, it will be the time when most of the players unite, that's why we decided release a new world - "Desire". Server conditions will be low-rate and exact rates will be available in server information in some time.
*There will be new things added such as two new islands and a quest on Rookgaard and a new island on Mainland which is "Castle" which will be near Edron.
*We are also releasing a new beta client which is very well optimized and players from abroad, who have a high ping because of this, will notice a particular improvement in the smoothness of the game.
*Another very useful change for players is the merging of Premium Points from each world and converting them into Realesta Coins (RC).

START PLANNED (03.12, Friday 18:00).
We encourage you to create character early(max. 1h before start) for the reward +2 days golden account.

Realesta Team.