Game updates → Updates - Riveria

2022-04-14 09:09:56 - created by Administration - rank: God

Here is the list of updates that will be implemented in the new world of Riveria.

1) New respawn of Wyrms on Coldwind has been added,
2) The Frost Dragons respawn on Coldwind has been increased,
3) New Vampire Brides and Nightstalkers respawn on Coldwind has been increased,
4) New quest for Vampire Brides has been added, the reward is in the image below,
5) New quest on Wyrms, the reward is in the image below,
6) New quest on Hellspawns has been added, the reward is in the image below,
7) Now Rookslayers can do client build tasks,
8) Added tasks for which you only get items and rare items rewards, check example here,
9) Updated Tasks sesion on the website, check here,
10) Updated Daily boss and Daily Siege sesion on the website, check here,
11) All tombs respawn in Ankrahmun has been fixed to 99% real, so it is no longer boosted,
12) Added a new automatic proxy system, this will improve the quality and stability of the connection and thus the player will experience less ping. Added command to hide/show spells on default !emote on/off
14) And many improvements in the client itself for example blessings icon near inventory.
15) Added Extra sudden death effects access and Mysterious Box to the game store.
16) Improved skinning
17) Added temple teleporter item to the store for 10 points.
18) Added new high tasks in Rookgaard.
19)  Added referral links system.
20) Added Streamers sesion on the website.
21) Added new Undeads respawn on Edron.
22) Added new Heros respawn on Edron.
23) Added new Tyrants respawn on Edron.
24) Added new The Hero Siege(level 60).
25) Updated wiki page with info about Castle spawns and quests.

1) Wyrms

2) Frost Dragons

3) Vampire Brides and Nightstalkers

4) Vampire Brides Quest

5) Wyrms Quest

6) Hellspaws Quest

14) Blessings icon

19) Referral links system

21) Undeads Edron

22) Heros Edron

23) Tyrants Edron

24) The Hero Siege on Edron