2022-09-09 09:49:26 - created by Administration - rank: God | |
Name: The Shadowlock Quest. 1. Start from Darashia and follow the map: 2. Take skull on the place and click teleport: 3. Go like on the map and jump to the yellow gate. 4. Enter the yellow gates in an order like this: 1. down 5. Now we need to catch 8 spirit flowers using fishing rod on this water: 6. If you have 8 spirit flowers go to the NPC A Ghostly Gnome he is on the middle of this small island and make first conversation: Hi->pass->spirit flower->yes 7. Now put them all on 8 stone pedestals which are located around this oasis and go yellow gate near the NPC. If you do this task you won't have to collect these flowers anymore. 8. In this mission we will have to convince at least 4 gnomes and do something for them to intercede for us at King Gnemwack. * Lets start with Loonzbort he is located near the king so make a conversation: Hi->respect In his mission, we must feed the local 10 Shadowlock guards that's why he gave us 33 brown breads. Below are the positions of several of them: If we meet the one of guard say Hi->food, feed all of them and back to Loonzbort and say Hi-hunger->yes. * Now we can go to next citizen Rungnat: At his place in the mission we have to charge 3 power crystals with energy in order to do that we have to use ultimate healing rune on them. Crystals are marked yellow on the map: If we done go back to Rungnat and say: Hi->crystal->yes * Third citizen can be Frilbeg look on the map and find him. Hi-respect In this task we have to sacrifice 6 crystal coins and throw them into any of the stony pond which is located in this city. When we do this we return to NPC Frilbeg and write Hi->sacrifice. * The fourth can be Gnihadnass the old tree. In this task, we first have to water this tree by filling a bucket with water from the stony pond and answer a certain mystery by saying: Hi-respect->answer->human If you are at this stage and have completed the quests for the 4 Gnomes you can skip this thread and go already to King Gnemwack (point 9). If not then you can alternatively do another quest with NPC Dimdeeg. * In this mission you have to deliver 5 different gems for npc Dimdeeg. When we have the gems with us we go to him and write Hi->respect->gem->yes 9. Now we have to go to the king and do the final task. When we are already next to the king we write Hi->test->yes->reputation->yes. 10. Back to the place with Grim Reapers to do it follow the map: 11. Kill the Demonic Priest Arnulf take his ring and back to King Gnemwack for the reward. If you are there say: hi->mission->yes. |