2020-03-10 14:20:48 - created by GOD Inspirit - rank: God |
Name: Gaz'haragoth quest.
Reward: Optional: archmage helmet, mythic scaled armor, balanced silver legs or wonderful boots.
Monsters:: Undeads, Necomancers, Wyrms, Grim Realpers, Gaz'haragoth.
Requirements::100+ level, big team, many stone skin amulets, wild growth.
Starting in Darashia, follow this way:

Throw the skull on the right place and click white table this will teleport you to Grim Reapers:

Go to NPC called Uriel:

Now we need to go here and take 4 items(golden fruits, paw amulet, roc feather, elven brooch) from statues:

Place the items on the ornamented tables, here is map:

After that pull the switch:

This will open wall:

Now you can go teleport and face the boss, be carefull he is very very strong.

Kill the Boss(pay attention to who making last hit and who is in party), back to NPC Uriel and say:
Now NPC should teleport you to reward room.
