Name: Coldwind access quest.
Reward: Acces to new hunting places on the island called Coldwind.
Requirements: Rope, shovel.
Monsters:: Trolls, Wolves, Polar Bears, Ice golem bosses.
Go to NPC Graubart he is in North Port Carlin and say:

NPC will give you instrument "didgeridoo" while playing on it, we call the bosses so lets go for first one to Folda top of the mountain. Here we meet NPC Nielson so say: hi->folda->yes:

When you kill boss take his heart back to NPC Graubart and say:
Hi->dhar's frosty heart->yes
Remember that you have 8 minutes for this task before heart will melt!
Lets go for second boss to Vega top of the mountain(Nielson Hi->vega->yes):

When you kill boss take his heart back to NPC Graubart and say:
Hi->rhauk's frosty heart->yes
Remember that you have 8 minutes for this task before heart will melt!
And last one is on the small island if you look on the map it's noth from Senja but you can go there through Folda undergrounds also top of the mountain(Nielson Hi->folda->yes):

When you kill boss take his heart back to NPC Graubart and say:
Hi->van's frosty heart->yes
Remember that you have 8 minutes for this task before heart will melt!
If you brought 3 hearts say:
So we are done here now you have full acces to Coldwind, travel cost 200 gold coins and the words are:
Hi->Coldwind->yes or bring me to coldwind
Additionally you can travel to Coldwind from Carlin or Ab'dendriel boat.
If you fail with some hearts don't worry, go to another boss and then back to the one you failed.