Latest News → First week!

2020-10-09 10:11:47 - created by GOD Rth - rank: God

Dear Players,

Once again, we would like to thank you very much for your presence on theĀ Resist world so the first week is passing by and on this occasion we would like to share some informations.
Of course, we do not recommend including any illegal software to the client because it is very easy to detect as you can see in a ban and delete session, our work in this direction is not in vain because during this week we have banned about 150 characters and deleted about 200.
We would also like to inform you that we are constantly improving the server under the technical aspect as well as in correcting all possible bugs.

Realesta Team.

2020-10-24 17:17:39 - posted by Ever - rank: Player

nie moge sie zalogowac na konto !!!!!!!!!!! pisze i ze na ten moment cast o takim hasle jest nie dostepny a ja chce sie zalogowac na postac !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!