Game updates → Update#3 - Renoria

2023-05-24 18:54:06 - created by Administration - rank: God

Note! Some of the updates will appear in the next server save.

-A new The Nuclear Quest has been added for level 150.
-A new spawn of War Golems has been added after completing The Device Quest.
-Dark Arbalest has been improved, and now bolts have the same area effect as burst arrows.
-Initial levers at POI will reset after 5 minutes.
-The teleport to the reward during each siege has been fixed. Previously, players on the same stack wouldn't receive the teleport.
-The trainer module will save settings per character. Previously, the settings were saved globally.
-Several map bugs on Ankramesh have been fixed.
-3 missing spawns have been added to the game wiki after the previous update: