Game updates → Update 1.3 - Nexoria

2025-03-05 21:52:35 - created by Administration - rank: God

General Updates:

  • Added the ability to trade runes on the Market.
  • The experience gained for killing Ancient Dragons has been increased by 400 points.
  • A return teleport from the Ancient Dragons respawn has been added, and a passage was created at this location: map link.
  • Added display of party members on the minimap after activation by clicking the "Show Party" button on the minimap.
  • From now on you can choose the auction length 1 day/2 days/3 days


  • The item upgrade system has been added on Rookgaard as well, serviced by Einar after completing Obsidian Forge Quest. (What exactly can be upgraded, and which attributes will be appearing on this page soon)
  • The energy damage of Sword of Fury has been doubled.
  • Light Healing Rune now scales better with Magic Level and to a lesser extent with the character's level.
  • A new spell, Minor Power Bolt, has been added, along with NPC Vitaris, who sells it. In addition, he also offers an exchange of Life Crystal for a Life Ring.