Info! This player has not been punished in the past.

General Informations

Name Vestia Dobry Serwer
Position Player
Gender Female
Level 70
Vocation Royal Paladin
World Revalis
Town Venore
Last Login Oct 01 2020, 17:48:22 UTC
Status Offline


12/03 7:00 - NOW This player has not gained any experience this day.
11/03 7:00 - 12/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
10/03 7:00 - 11/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
09/03 7:00 - 10/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
08/03 7:00 - 09/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
07/03 7:00 - 08/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
06/03 7:00 - 07/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
05/03 7:00 - 06/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.

Death List

Date Killers Lost Experience
2020-09-29 18:09:56 Killed at level 72 by Karolinka The Evill 0
2020-09-23 13:04:48 Killed at level 74 by Reprisk 0
2020-05-31 09:03:47 Killed at level 75 by Proo Ducent 0
2020-05-28 12:21:44 Killed at level 58 by Stary Czolg 0
2020-05-27 17:23:02 Killed at level 54 by Kimi 0
2020-05-26 18:11:35 Killed at level 52 by a lizard snakecharmer 0
2020-05-24 15:23:36 Killed at level 49 by deleted player 0

Victim List

Date Victim
2020-05-23 08:34:24 Hi Im Drahas at level 22. (Unjustified)
2020-05-23 08:25:28 Do Skilla at level 9. (Unjustified)

Other visible characters on this account

Name Level Vocation Last login Status
Vestia Wysmienity Serv 1 No Vocation Jan 01 1970, 00:00:00 UTC Offline
Vestia Vestia 31 Master Sorcerer Oct 01 2020, 18:44:26 UTC Offline