Info! This player has not been punished in the past.

General Informations

Name Sem Bala
Position Player
Gender Male
Level 157
Vocation Royal Paladin
World Revalis
Town Venore
Guild: Vice Cansado of BORA SEUS CANSADO
Last Login Oct 10 2024, 13:25:14 UTC
Creation Date Jul 05 2024, 16:04:36 UTC
Status Offline


22/02 7:00 - NOW This player has not gained any experience this day.
21/02 7:00 - 22/02 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
20/02 7:00 - 21/02 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
19/02 7:00 - 20/02 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
18/02 7:00 - 19/02 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
17/02 7:00 - 18/02 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
16/02 7:00 - 17/02 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
15/02 7:00 - 16/02 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.

Tasks List

Name Status
Strong Minotaurs Task of killing 500 Strong Minotaurs has been completed by the player.
War Minotaurs Task of killing 1000 War Minotaurs has been completed by the player.
Crystal Spiders Task of killing 400 Crystal Spiders has been completed by the player.

Death List

Date Killers Lost Experience
2024-08-17 18:46:46 Killed at level 140 by a theinen the sun 884270
2024-08-16 18:13:39 Killed at level 139 by a archvampire 858794
2024-08-16 12:46:49 Killed at level 138 by a goanna 848260
2024-08-14 03:33:40 Killed at level 133 by a grim reaper 749837
2024-08-14 03:03:59 Killed at level 133 by a champion 760449
2024-07-30 18:34:32 Killed at level 114 by a demon 473048
2024-07-30 16:14:26 Killed at level 115 by Cloutchaser 482702
2024-07-30 08:41:29 Killed at level 114 by Predestined 479633
2024-07-29 20:19:05 Killed at level 115 by a crusader 485436
2024-07-29 18:12:16 Killed at level 115 by Leitao Viciado 493349

Victim List

Date Victim
2024-09-30 17:22:06 Xarx at level 81. (Unjustified)
2024-08-24 08:42:35 Botoniarka at level 22. (Justified)
2024-08-19 18:25:36 Fiucie at level 31. (Unjustified)
2024-08-16 15:40:33 El Dark at level 118. (Unjustified)
2024-08-16 14:15:43 Ciro Di Marzioo at level 135. (Justified)
2024-08-09 19:51:59 Bruto at level 66. (Unjustified)
2024-08-06 21:16:14 United Kingdom at level 119. (Justified)
2024-08-02 22:47:04 Vitin Oh Imperdoavel at level 20. (Justified)
2024-08-01 17:49:09 Cryistal Coore at level 12. (Justified)
2024-08-01 14:41:50 Ragde Strike at level 15. (Justified)

Other visible characters on this account

Name Level Vocation Last login Status
Zyzzy 1 No Vocation Aug 22 2024, 13:49:13 UTC Offline