Warning! This player has been punished in the past.

General Informations

Name Rajczu
Position Player
Gender Male
Level 54
Vocation Master Sorcerer
World Revalis
Town Ab Dendriel
Last Login Feb 07 2024, 11:15:41 UTC
Status Offline


10/03 7:00 - NOW This player has not gained any experience this day.
09/03 7:00 - 10/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
08/03 7:00 - 09/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
07/03 7:00 - 08/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
06/03 7:00 - 07/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
05/03 7:00 - 06/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
04/03 7:00 - 05/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
03/03 7:00 - 04/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.

Death List

Date Killers Lost Experience
2020-06-01 03:46:47 Killed at level 55 by Rincognito 0
2020-06-01 03:44:56 Killed at level 57 by Rincognito 0
2020-06-01 03:34:40 Killed at level 58 by Pan Wiaderko 0
2020-05-28 07:54:47 Killed at level 59 by Droriko Shwibidi 0
2020-05-28 07:47:54 Killed at level 61 by Droriko Shwibidi 0
2020-05-28 07:44:19 Killed at level 62 by Tfu 0
2020-05-28 07:39:26 Killed at level 64 by Droriko Shwibidi 0
2020-05-28 07:32:54 Killed at level 65 by Wal To 0
2020-05-26 06:31:12 Killed at level 53 by a vampire 0
2020-05-25 04:42:09 Killed at level 33 by a beholder 0

Victim List

Date Victim
2020-06-01 03:32:26 Stara Dupa at level 18. (Unjustified)
2020-06-01 03:30:35 Kdz at level 25. (Unjustified)
2020-06-01 03:20:20 Encounterr at level 18. (Unjustified)
2020-05-28 07:56:42 Boznikov at level 15. (Unjustified)
2020-05-28 07:56:42 Christy Benwa at level 15. (Unjustified)
2020-05-28 07:56:42 Petersedzisko at level 17. (Unjustified)
2020-05-28 07:29:16 Wonder at level 80. (Unjustified)
2020-05-28 06:47:35 Mlody Mazur at level 93. (Unjustified)
2020-05-28 06:42:12 Jumanii at level 58. (Unjustified)
2020-05-27 05:47:50 Bartas Komandir at level 14. (Unjustified)

Other visible characters on this account

Name Level Vocation Last login Status
Bo Cie Odholuje 31 Master Sorcerer Feb 09 2024, 17:34:52 UTC Offline