Info! This player has not been punished in the past.

General Informations

Name Camilo Dog
Position Player
Gender Male
Level 10
Vocation Paladin
World Revalis
Town Ab Dendriel
Last Login Nov 21 2023, 12:27:53 UTC
Creation Date Oct 31 2023, 15:29:26 UTC
Status Offline


10/03 7:00 - NOW This player has not gained any experience this day.
09/03 7:00 - 10/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
08/03 7:00 - 09/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
07/03 7:00 - 08/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
06/03 7:00 - 07/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
05/03 7:00 - 06/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
04/03 7:00 - 05/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
03/03 7:00 - 04/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.

Death List

Date Killers Lost Experience
2023-11-20 19:14:54 Killed at level 11 by Laczki Praczki Paczki 1331
2023-11-20 19:12:52 Killed at level 11 by Louis Marchezi 1479
2023-11-02 18:40:24 Killed at level 10 by a hunter 1224
2023-11-02 18:24:04 Killed at level 10 by a goblin 1068
2023-11-02 17:24:15 Killed at level 9 by Bylem Narkomanem 783
2023-11-02 13:25:35 Killed at level 9 by Yekiill 870
2023-11-01 10:36:58 Killed at level 9 by Dubiel 725
2023-11-01 10:31:14 Killed at level 9 by a troll 746
2023-11-01 09:53:46 Killed at level 8 by a troll 481

Victim List

Date Victim
2023-11-20 19:09:40 Zimna Mariola at level 16. (Unjustified)
2023-11-20 18:21:50 Klekot at level 19. (Unjustified)
2023-11-02 13:24:05 Mateusz Gangus Wielki at level 18. (Unjustified)
2023-11-01 10:34:03 No Kill Plx at level 13. (Unjustified)

Other visible characters on this account

Name Level Vocation Last login Status
Looking For Happiness 69 Royal Paladin Nov 20 2023, 19:22:15 UTC Offline
Knight Of War 16 Master Sorcerer Mar 08 2025, 06:58:13 UTC Offline