Info! This player has not been punished in the past.

General Informations

Name Butlaparty
Position Player
Gender Male
Level 20
Vocation Druid
World Revalis
Town Carlin
Last Login Jun 03 2020, 03:40:36 UTC
Status Offline


10/03 7:00 - NOW This player has not gained any experience this day.
09/03 7:00 - 10/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
08/03 7:00 - 09/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
07/03 7:00 - 08/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
06/03 7:00 - 07/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
05/03 7:00 - 06/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
04/03 7:00 - 05/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.
03/03 7:00 - 04/03 7:00 This player has not gained any experience this day.

Death List

Date Killers Lost Experience
2020-06-03 03:47:05 Killed at level 21 by Expie 0
2020-06-03 03:40:33 Killed at level 22 by Master Bater 0
2020-06-03 03:39:32 Killed at level 22 by Master Bater 0
2020-06-03 03:32:32 Killed at level 23 by an elf scout 0
2020-06-03 03:29:59 Killed at level 24 by Wspieram Polska Policje 0
2020-06-03 03:14:24 Killed at level 25 by Master Bater 0
2020-06-03 03:13:14 Killed at level 26 by Master Bater 0
2020-06-01 12:24:05 Killed at level 25 by Duro De Matar 0
2020-06-01 10:57:29 Killed at level 25 by Anal Oral 0
2020-06-01 10:49:30 Killed at level 26 by a valkyrie 0

Victim List

Date Victim
2020-06-03 03:36:48 Sauron Of Culo at level 10. (Unjustified)
2020-06-01 10:54:43 Malinka at level 17. (Unjustified)
2020-05-31 02:41:19 Wizzuu at level 16. (Unjustified)
2020-05-31 02:39:05 Krusze at level 19. (Unjustified)

Other visible characters on this account

Name Level Vocation Last login Status
Wale Pule 56 Knight Jun 02 2020, 21:15:09 UTC Offline